What We Do

The CIRDI 2024 campaign aims to achieve its vision of achieving greater ratification of the CIRDI and promoting its implementation through:

-Technical assistance and capacity-building for governments and civil society;

-Dialogue and exchange;

-Institutional strengthening;

-Sharing evidence-based recommendations, expert advice, and best practices;

-Developing, compiling, and translating practical examples, experiences, tools, resources, and other materials;

-Convening seminars, conferences, and workshops;

-In-country and diplomatic visits;

-Hosting a platform for information and knowledge dissemination and awareness raising.


The objective of Race & Equality’s CIRDI 2024 campaign is simple: to ensure that OAS Member States ratify or accede to the Inter-American Convention against Racism by 2024. This goal will be achieved through a mixture of regional initiatives along with bilateral and multilateral engagement, all with specific targets.

The immediate objectives of the Campaign are:

-To identify challenges and barriers to ratification and implementation of the CIRDI;

-To address these obstacles through inter-State cooperation, assistance, and dialogue;

-To create a hub for sharing knowledge and good practices among States on the Convention and its implementation;

-To build a global platform of States, international organizations, national and international NGOs, civil society, and experts to work jointly to achieve the Campaign’s vision;

-To promote discussion around the implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Racism within the OAS.


By 2024 - before the end of the Decade for People of African Descent- racism, racial discrimination, and other related forms of intolerance in the Americas, in all their individual, structural, and institutional manifestations, will be reduced as States parties work actively to implement the Convention.